Monday, August 1, 2011

Homemade Face Pack With Honey!

 Maanu Said to Keralites
Homemade Face Pack With Honey!
 If you are searching for natural skin care remedy and want to make a homemade face pack with natural ingredients then honey is one of the essential element for natural skin care. Applying honey face pack lightens, rejuvenates and nourishes your skin as it is anti-bacterial.
Following are homemade honey face packs for skin care:
1.Honey and turmeric face pack: mix a tablespoon of honey and turmeric respectively and apply this face mask on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. You can also add milk to moisturize the skin. This homemade face mask will cleanse the skin and whiten it.
2.Wash the face daily with plain, unpasteurized honey. It will lighten the skin and brighten it.
3.Warm honey in a bowl and add yogurt to make a smooth face pack. Apply this face mask on clean face and neck. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Apply a moisturizer if required to retain water in the skin.
4.Take warm honey and add lemon juice, nutmeg and cinnamon. Blend these ingredients to make a smooth paste and apply this honey face pack on the face and neck. You can also massage with this paste for 3 minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
5.Mix honey with 1 tsp olive oil and egg yolk until creamy. Use a warm cloth on the face before to open the skin pores and then apply this face pack. Also use two slices of cucumber on the eyes to get a relaxed natural facial. This homemade face pack will not only remove the dirt and grease from the skin but also cleanse it.
6.Make a smooth paste of oatmeal and water. Blend apple pieces, honey and olive oil in a processor and then add oatmeal paste and egg yolk to the blended mix. Make a thick smooth paste so that it stays on the face and then apply this face mask.
Honey has been used since ages as a natural skin care remedy to cure variety of ailments. Honey for skin care reduces inflammation, kills germs and is the best ingredient for sensitive skin. Honey face pack will keep the skin supple and beautiful.

~~~~~Sreenath Vanmelil

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