Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vegeterian and Non Vegeterian - Sceintific Facts

Prasad N via to Keralites

Non Vegetarian Food and Health

The following disease are caused by taking non-vegetarian food

1.The non vegetarian food can cause disease even upto genetic level in the human body. The chances of formation of cancer are high in non vegetarians. 2.Non vegetarian food contain excess of protein which will affect proper functioning of kidney. 3.Meat and Egg increases the thickness of the blood vessels and it also increases the amount of cholesterol and saturated acid. Both these causes high blood pressure and heart diseases. 4.Though the no vegetarians appear outwardly calm, mentally they will be in a Conflicting state. They will be easily affected by the disease called Insomnia. 5.The details of the research work done by Prof. Vinburg, a famous doctor in Massachusetts institute of Technology in America about non vegetarians are very significant.

As alcohol and smoking affected brain, Non vegetarian food also affect the brain. Those who take non vegetarian food, because easily get agitated both mentally and physically. Just like the carnivorous animals that that walls in the night for hunting its prey, the non vegetarians will lose their peaceful mental state in the night. They also develop cruelty in them like the flesh eating animals. The herbivorous animals like elephant, horse, camel etc gets energy from vegetarian food and they will be calm and soft in nature and they will live longer. The animals and human beings that depend on vegetarian food will have a longer life span.

6.The people of Ambkhasian, a state in Russia , does not use egg milk and milk products. They are 100% vegetarians. The life span of the people living there are nearly 100 years, people having the longest life span in the world.

From all these we can conclude that for better health and life the most effective method is vegetarianism.

Non Vegetarian Food, Fat and Diseases

The daily requirement of energy for a normal human being is 2400 calories. We must take food for producing this energy and also for the production of body cells. The most important elements are carbohydrates, fat and proteins. Any of these elements if present in excess amount the body absorbs it and store it in the form of fat in the body. This will lead to obesity.

A small portion of meat contain a large amount of energy. So if we take a lot of meat it will lead to obesity. In the modern world people do their day to day activities without much physical energy, which leads to the following consequences.

(1)The cells that store fat grows rapidly,

(2)The fat set stored in the liver which will result in the enlargement of liver.

(3)The diseases connected with the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

(4)Increase in the production and storage of carbohydrates

(5)The blockage in the passage which removes carbohydrates by converting it into various other forms.

(6)The defects that occurs in the circulation of blood due to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels.

(7)Body movements and physical action become very weak.

(8)The rashes that forms in the skin causes infection which again leads to diseases like Monaligasis

(9)Erythroschesis, Angina, Eshemic heart disease veinthrombosis, Embolism and some disease connected with circulation of blood in the heart.

(10)The diaphragm in the lungs get weak. Extra effort for the function of the thorasic part of the longs, respiratory disease like pickwikian syndrome etc.

(11)The belly formation called Abdominal Apron, Hernia which is caused by the pressure in the stomach.

(12)Diabetese, Hypel lipideniasis, Gout, Cholestrol Galston etc.

(13)Mental conflicts, complexes, feeling of alienation etc.
To free from all these disease modern science recommends the vegetarian way of life – “One teaspoon Non vegetarian dish along with Vegetarian food” is an advice that can be given to those who cannot live without non vegetarian food. This is for the western people for whom meat is their staple food.

Disease that Spread through Non-vegetarian food

To kill animals for meat is a very primitive and uncultured way as far as India is concerned; scientific researches has proved that through these animals more than 200 diseases are spread to human beings.

The famous physician Dr. T.P Sethu Madhavan has pointed out this in an article in “Mathrubhumi” daily (1999 April 25). By killing animals affected by harmful diseases and processing the meat in unhygienic conditions causes the spread of a lot of contagious diseases to human beings. Anaxtuberculosis, Bruseleocis, Blotulism, Rat fever, Tiniasis Meningitis, Listeriosis. Tetanus various kinds worm infections intestenial diseases etc are sum the most dreadful diseases. Sometimes the animals affected by diseases will not show any symptoms.

Tenia saginata, Tenia solium are the diseases that spread only through meat. One of the stages in their life cycle is in cows and pigs. The evolutionary stage of Ecinococcus granulose is also in cattle. This cause dreadful disease in human being. The larvae of Trechnella spralise reaches the human body through pork. The eggs of these larvae can resist even the high temperature while cooking. Though the animals that are affected by Tuberculosis this disease also reaches to human beings. The pathogens named salmonella that produces toxin grows rapidly in non vegetarian food. Closteridiumisa very poisonous pathogen that cause food poisoning. The staphylococcus also the same thing. All these poisonous pathogens grow very rapidly in meat. It grows an a large scale in the places where meat is processed in an unhygienic conditions.

The meat that is exposed in the open air, on road side will be contaminated with disease causing germs, which comes through air. The dirt that get fixed in the meat cannot be removed completely by cleaning in water. But the dirt in the vegetables can removed completely by washing in water.

The growth of the disease causing germs in tinned meat will be more quickly than in any other food materials. This meat will get easily spoiled and so it is very dangerous to use it. The food item that get spoiled easily than any other food is cooked meat. Those who take non-vegetarian food are easily affected by kidney stone and intestenial cancer. The researches made by Dr. Deepchand Jain of Safdarjung Hospital , Bombay makes it clear that in India nearly 150 diseases that comes under the group of Junosis are spread through meat. Most of these diseases that comes under this group is incurable. On the way to slaughter house the cattle usually drink polluted water filled with disease germs. These germs spread to the human being through the meat and get infected with the disease.

Scientific Researches has proved that the deadly diseases affected the herbivorous animals when they were forced to eat the waste of fish and meat. Recently in England the cows were given waste materials from the slaughter house which causes the dreadful brain disease. It was known to the world when the disease began to spread to the human beings. As a result of this in England lakhs of cows were burned to death.

The disease that affected in hen in Hong Kong is a continuation of the above mentioned incident. Crores of hens were burned due to this disease a reward for preparing food to the birds in the most unnatural way! Most of the countries in Europe banned pork because of the spread of Carcinogenic Dioxin, a compound that causes cancer, which is spread through pigs. We cannot make it sure that the meat of the germs affected animals will not reach our dining table. The disease causing germs in pigs spread rapidly in many parts of the world.

All these explanations throw light on the fact that most of the diseases that affect human beings will not spread to animals. But the diseases that affect an animal reach the human body by eating their meat. This fact was scientifically proved. It should be noted that even in the presence of disease causing germs the animals are not easily affected, but human beings becomes an easy prey to these disease causing germs.

Fish is not a better food

Sometimes even those who support vegetarianism finds it difficult to answer certain questions related in taking fish as a food item. The vegetarians in Bengal eat fish. Some of you may say that fish is a rich source of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. In spite of all justifications we cannot deny the fact that eating fish will leads to more complex and dreadful conseque

(1)Most of the food poisoning in the world occurs through fish.

(2)The natural toxin that is formed in fish is known as Ikthotoxism. It is seen in all countries.

(3)On certain occasion the body of the fish itself produces toxins. It is called sarcotoxism. (4)The toxins that are connected with the genital organs of fish is called Otorism and the toxins that are connected with blood are called Haemotoxism. (5)Another important factor is that this toxin which is harmful to human beings never does any harm to animals. (6)Normally the non poisonous fishes also emit toxin to escape from enemies. This toxin will be there in its blood for hours or even for days. (7)In some fishes dreadful toxins are formed in its body on certain particular period. These fishes will be normally non-poisonous, but is impossible to predict when it produces toxins.(8)Certain fishes of some particular period, when they move to different environment of sea or back water produce toxins due to some unknown reasons. (9)The fishes that are proved to be eatable will become poisonous when they take other poisonous fishes and plants as their food.(10)The fishes that grow in pesticides and polluted water from factors contain large amount of toxins in their body. This is called biomagnifications, which becomes dreadful for human beings. (11)In most of the fishes, the toxins are present in its various body parts and it is very difficult to remove that particular part before use. (12)On certain seasons, their liver produces nearly 600,000 unit of Vitamin A (100 fishes). If this excess amount of protein reaches human body it causes the disease called vitaminosis which will bad even to death.(13)The production of Fistidil by scromboid fishes causes diseases in human beings. (14)In fishes large amount of screne and Fistidin are produced by different kinds of bacteria present in sea water. When the fishes die, the production of these compounds in side its body increases. It causes heart attack and schmbotoxisity in human beings. (15)The fish bacteria which belong to Dino Flagellate group leads to complete paralysis in human beings. (16)The similar toxins that are present in fishes are not found in plants. But certain kind of Mush rooms contains such toxins. But it is possible to find out the toxic and non toxic variety of this new Indian food item.

(17)In the growth of a child, a lot of changes occur like the formation of new cells, hormones and compounds. All these changes occur naturally. Like this in fishes and animals a lot of changes occur in its growth. Some compounds produce during these changes are harmful to human beings which may be an adaptation give to them by nature itself. Nature should protect not only the human beings but also other living organisms. Nature has given all kinds of defence to the living beings for their self protection. Among that some may be harmful to human beings. So we cannot say that fish is a better food.

Do Animals feel and think ?

“Animals do not have feelings and they don’t have the power of differentiation. Animals are created for human beings”. All the above said arguments about animals are absolutely wrong. Each and every animal is clearly aware of its life cycle. They can differentiate between the materials that are eatable and not eatable. They express their love towards their young ones. The cow licking its calf, the hen which broods on the egg for days with out going for food, are all examples of expression of love in animals. The Kangaroo which carries the young one in its pouch, the monkey which carries its new born in its belly the elephants that moves like a procession with their young ones are all express the noble feeling of love. The dog which runs when throwing a slow, the elephant that groans when it was caned are reflecting the feeling of fear. The parrot that calls the name of its master, the dog that ways its tail to show its gratitude have the power of memory. The dog which is dominant in its master’s house never barks at strangers when it walks through the public road. What is the reason behind the migration of birds from one place to other every year? The cat has the sense of covering its feces with soil. If we train them carefully with love and care most of the animals including Gorilla understand the human language and obey it. It is a pity that man born in a village or town does not understand the language of animals. So in this matter it can be said that human beings are inferior to animals. We kill and eat the animals on the ground that they cannot feel and think if that is the case, it is applicable to a new born child. It is clear that animals have the feeling of fear, angel, pain, sorrow, hunger, desire to live, tiredness etc.

When a cow or buffalo is killed for its meat using a knife it suffers from severe physical pain. They eyes bulges out due to pain. Just imagine the severe pain when the sharp knife pierces through its skin. Can we imagine such a situation in which the knife passes through the skin of one whom we love………………..?

Is Man the Noblest of God’s Creation?

The misunderstanding that man is the noblest of all creations and all the worldly pleasures are intended for men is the result of man’s own agitated mind. The universe certain nearly 16 lakhs variety of animals, lakhs of plant variety and lakhs of micro organic varieties. The min conception that all these are created only for human being is a challenge to nature itself. It cannot be denied that man is blessed with more reasoning power and intelligence than other animals. But nature has given each and every organism of some specialities which may not be given to human beings. Having some limited special qualities does not make man the noblest of all creation.

A dog’s power to smell things the hearing capacity of a bat, the power of sight of a cat, the speed of a cheetah, the sharp vision of an eagle. The physical power of horse, the glow of a glow worm the sweet voice of the Cuckoo, the ability of a Parrot or Myna to speak in human language, the ability of camel to preserve water for days, the power of the humming bird of fly kilometers without rest, the memory power of bee which collects honey from a flower far away from its home, the immunity of animals against diseases, the power of the castle to find out the eatable grass………….are some of the qualities that the nature has given to animals. Man does not possess any of these qualities.

Man also has a lot of limitations. A human child takes a long period to stand walk in its own legs. Without proper guidance it cannot differentiate between things which are eatable and not eatable. Man has to depend on others for building his own house preparing his food, to take treatment for a disease etc. Man who is moving away from nature is passing from more complex situation to a more complicated state. Man cannot resist variations in temperature rain etc. It is only the human beings who purpose fully uses the dangerous toxic substances like alcohol, tobacco etc. In this universe no other living organism commit suicide. The only are creature that cannot live ever for an hour

without depending on other organism is man. Then how can we say that man is the noblest of all creations?

Some common questions

Do plants have life, pain and is it not sin to eat them?

The answer for this question can be understood only by approaching the question with a broad and open mind.

1.Plants grow and reproduce. So they have life. 2.It is clear that plants do not have nerves or the pain that passes through the nerves.3.Nature supply the food materials for all the living organisms for its existence. They are also given the ability and body structure to use whatever materials needed. 4.When the fruits and leaves of plants a reused, the plants will not destroy completely. Most often it will be needed for its proper growth. 5.When the branches and tender stems are taken from the plants the plants produce more leaves and branches and thereby it gets new energy. 6.Each fruits contain certain factors which will not be useful to plants for its germination and growth. This naturally attract human beings birds and animals. The fleshy part of Mango, banana, Jackfruit, Apple, Pine apple etc. do not play any role in plant’s growth. But it is a blessing for other animals.7.A tree may produce hundreds or thousands of seeds. That means nature may have for seen the natural destruction of some of these seeds. If all these seeds fall at the bottom of the tree and germinate? But it is different in the case of animals. Man can use only the milk and hair of animals without killing them. It is not possible to take pieces from animals. 8.There is no useless organ or part for an animal. If a part is cut and removed it will not grow again. 9.The reproductive capacity of animals is not infinite as in the case of plants. Cow, buffalo, Goat etc give birth only 5 to 25 young ones in its life time. 10.Animals clearly have pain, fear etc. But plants do not have these feelings. When it is killed blood losses from its body as in the case of human beings. 11.In plants the leaves and fruits fall down occasionally. But it is of there in animals. Nature has blessed every organism with the ability to make use of necessary materials for their food, and to search for its food. 12.Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and the salt and minerals in the each are the food for plants and trees. The food for micro organisms is decomposed materials, for soil for earth form, rat for snake other animals for lion and tiger. Nature has divided the type of food for these animals. Even if it contain toxin it will not affect them. It has proved that non vegetarian food leads to a lot of health problems. So man should avoid taking non vegetarian food. Alcohol is a poison which kills a person gradually. Non vegetarian food is similar to this. That is why non vegetarian food is considered as poisonous.

A common question which is often asked is that if we do not kill these cows and buffalos, will they not increase in number and fill the earth?

13.There are a lot of animals and birds like elephant, horse, cat, crow, donkey etc which we do not kill. But they do not became over lowded and fill the earth.

14.Eventhough there are laws against killing of tiger and lion, their numbers are considerably decreasing.

15.Dinosaurs which lived before man became extinct completely by nature itself.

One thing is clear. If man wanted to control the increase in number of plants or animals and there by wanted to preserve the balance of nature, he should first of all start with reducing rate of growth his own species.

16.Some may have the doubt that is non vegetarian food is against nature, then why not man die as soon as he takes that food? Certain poisons like potassium cyanide, and Tetradodoxyl kills man as soon as he takes of. But there some other poison which kill a man gradually. It may take even years. Death that comes to smoking and drinking is gradual. Non vegetarian food is also like at. Tough non vegetarian food gives temporary energy and vitality it will lead to permanent ill health and different kinds of diseases.
17. Another doubt that occurs off often is that, is it not better to kill the non productive animals than to allow it to die and decompose. But it we accept this argument, we should apply it in the case of human beings also. What will happen if we apply this law of killing the non productive animals to man? 18.Thus it becomes clear that the most appropriate food for human beings is vegetarian food. Even in western countries, vegetarianism has become a trouble way of life. Vegetarian restaurants have spread every where. In western countries development and progress are a journey towards the lap of mother nature. It has become a life style of blessing without killing and using without exploiting.
It is not possible for us ? The most suitable way for a peaceful mind and body is vegetarianism. Remember this and try to make others remember.

Love of Flesh invite Death

The greediness towards meat blessers Indians with dreadful diseases. Studies have proved that when the Europeans move towards vegetarianism, we Indians are rushing to receive dangerous diseases by moving away from our traditional way of life.

Non vegetarian food leads to diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, Heart diseases etc . When it was proved through scientific researches the educated Europeans changed their life style. The vegetarian journal points out that in America 19,000 people are changing to vegetarianism every week.

The survey conducted by sog by International Incorporated proves that apart from health reasons, the sympathy towards the animals, relation between meat and environment etc. has changed the taste of Americans from Non vegetarian food to vegetarianism.

But India the consumption of meat has increased to 3.6% between 1983 to 1994. The number of heart attack in 1991 has become 18 lakhs in the country. This dangerous condition will be continued till 2020. Dr. Aswini Chopra, the gastro enthrologist of Ashlok Hospital , Mumbai tells that this every way of life will lead to an increase in the death rate. There will be three times increase in the number of cancer patients. The number of diabetic patients will be 5.70 crores.

The studies made in California University has proved that the chances for heart diseases in Indians are 3 times greater than that of East Asians. One out of three heart patients in India is below 40 years. So these researchers have requested the health department that the international conditions that are applicable to blood pressure and cholesterol cannot be applied to Indians. For example though the cholesterol level below 200 and the blood pressure level 140/96 are safe for most of the westerners, for Indians it should be made 160 and 130/85 respectively.

Among the Indians residing in U.S.A, 34.6% of them die due to heart attack. This was proved in the studies made by U.S National Institute of Health. In number of Indians in Britain who die due to the disease in coronary vein has increased.

In India people having wish income, and who lives in cities are suffering from obesity. The studies made by Nutrition Foundation of India makes it clear that unbalanced Nutrients causes obesity in these people. Obesity, which will lead to a lot of dreadful disease can be controlled by following vegetarianism. But Halm becyer life style will lead to more dangerous situation.

* This was Published by Indian Institute of Sceintific Heritage.

~~~~~Sreenath Vanmelil

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